Location: Broomfield, Colorado

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Roberta made me!

Okay, so we would really be confused about these, if they weren't so darn funny. Why? Why is the armour that way? Well, Roberta just totally lost it when she saw these. As she retells the story, others were laughing too. I don't remember it that way. She totally made me take these. Although, I guess I can't argue that she made me post them.

These two are my fault. I was very interested about why 'the loo' at the Tower of London was so famous. It was fine but not spectacular in any way. There were awards EVERYWHERE in that loo. Also, the 'engaged' sign is for Hillary. This was taken in the loo, too. It is on the door of the stall - gives a whole new meaning to the word, engaged, doesn't it?


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