Wait! The Ghost Whisperer? Excuse me?
Well, see the red head with the contagious smile? She is Lizzy. Lizzy's laugh is even more contagious than that smile, if you can believe that. She was the perfect person to deliver the news that we were being evicted from our room because the hotel failed to mention this little pre-filming event that would be conducted in our room just hours before Hillary was to walk down the aisle. Hillary was in with the freakish make-up lady at that time so she was clueless so far.
So, Lizzy informs me that the front desk just called to report that 'the bellman is on his way to move you'. Lizzy and I looked at each other and said, "nope. This is not going to work." So, we (the producers, Lizzy and myself) decided that we would stay in the room quietly to watch over Hillary's stuff. They were welcome to have their little meeting for 20 minutes and then they would have to leave. It worked out. The other condition, I just had to get some pictures of them. The film crew was really nice and agreeable. And an update, Hillary never knew about this until she had a couple of beers knocked down at the reception. Ahhh...what are bridesmaids for?
No, THESE security guards were not for us. We aren't making any promises about our behavior at the reception, though. :)
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