Colorado Willards

Location: Broomfield, Colorado

Sunday, March 2, 2008

In case you haven't seen enough

A few more ski pics from when Bob and Roberta were here. It was such a fun day!

Ryan and Marcy do Breck bowls

Speaking of Willards in the winter, here are some pics of Ryan and sista Marcy skiing Breck. Ryan and Marcy had a chance to ride/ski some bowls one day when Brad had lessons and Rick was out. We cought some awesome runs. As you can see, it feels like the top of the world up there.

I think Ryan is saying, 'uh, this doesn't suck too bad'. I had to agree. Three runs up there and a Killians makes a day complete.

Willards' Winter

Bob and Roberta came skiing with us for New Year's - well the day after new year's day. We weren't exactly chipper on New Year's day...more pics to follow on that.

Rumor has it that it only took Roberta 20 minutes to get her ski gear on. This is a record, we hear.

Brian has a 'snow dragon' outfit. He had to try it out the day of Brad's first 'lesson' at the park.

From the Mouths of Babes Part II

Brad, thankfully, has not indulged in the same 'spirit' as Brian. He has been so full of silliness, smiles, and love...we can't complain. One of Brad's new classic lines...

Rick goes in to greet him as he is getting out of bed. He says, "Dad, did you know that pop-tarts with a nail in them are still the same".

Rick agreed quickly, of course, because we don't know what he is talking about.

This is a pic of Brad on the Breckenridge gondola. He just completed his 8 week ski lesson program. He finished it with a 'race' where he won his first 'metal', for participation, of course. Poor kid wants to go so fast but he has this very solid snowplow...little does he know that he could just cut loose and he would be much faster. And no, we aren't going to tell him that! This is working just fine.

From the Mouths of Babes

So, Brian is embracing this 'terrible two' phenomenon with both arms. He heard about the role and decided to really 'go for it' in his portrayal of the ultimate two year old. Recently, when Deb said that she liked Brian's sweater, he responded with:

"Stupid..I don't care!"

He got in trouble, of course, but I still can't stop lauging about it. Also, the next morning at breakfast, Brian was throwing a fit about something and we were generally ignorning him. Bri followed our lack of interest with:

"This is not working for my life"

I particularly enjoyed when I was trying to get Brian to go back to sleep in the middle of the night. I was in the bed in his room and he was in his crib. I said, "Brian you are really making me frustrated that you won't fall asleep".

Brian's response:

"Mom, c'mon. Just be happy!"

And Brian's classic from yesterday. He fell of the chair and landed on his noggin. It was certainly an owie as it was followed with that scary pause of silence right before the real screaming cry is released...all moms know that one. So, I go over and pick him up. He cries for a minute. Then he says,

"Maybe that was funny!" Of course, we embraced the idea that this was funny. He proceeded to laugh and laugh...perhaps he's got something there. Maybe we can all look at our life's mishaps with this new philosophy.

He also has a few cute words with added syllables such as: rodobot = robot and 'peppy'roni = peppironi