Okay...for those of you who are
not following this whole sister progression...I have received several questions in that regard. So, do you see that goof over there with the rose in his mouth? That's Marcy's Dad. He is responsible for much of this confusion, but admittedly not all of it. He has 4 girls - 2 of them from previous marriage. The first one of those two girls is Jenny, pictured on the swing with her kids - my nephew (Gavin) and niece (Avery) - I dare you to find two cuter kids in 1,000 mile radius. Marcy is the other girl from a previous marriage, but everyone still hangs with her just the same.
The other two girls are Emily and Tracy. Emily got married. Tracy is the bridesmaid in the aqua, which is clearly quite smashing on her.

The other lady here, Louise, we will call my sister

because she will love it but rumor has it she is from a previous generation. Now, not pictured here for somewhat obvious reasons are Hillary and Matt. Yes, Hillary is also getting married this summer. Hillary and Matt are from Marcy's MOM's second marriage. For the sake of simplicity for me and utter confusion to everyone else - I just call them all 'sister' (except Matt as you might guess). If you are still confused, join the club. As the old legend goes, you have to actually marry into the family before you understand. I think Rick and Russ (my brother-in-law) get it but that was a pretty big commitment just to solve a mystery, don't you think?