Today is our 4th official day in our new home. We are having fun - especially in the basement! Yes, I said basement. That is a very new thing for us. Rick had so much fun telling the movers to put all the boxes in the basement. We set up these play huts in there and the kids ran around with the huts wrapped around their waists - saying 'we are doggies'. Go figure! They sort of looked like Cirque de Soile characters and also just a little bit nuts. The boys are adapting well to the move. Brad loves his new room and is looking forward to meeting some neighbors today. We made them cookies - isn't that what you are supposed to do? By 'we' I mean 'I' made them cookies. They were interested in the process for 30 seconds or so. We are scouting out the houses with swing sets in order to enhance our odds of finding playdate opportunities. Here goes!